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PD Dr. Carsten König, LL.M. (Harvard)


Areas of interest

Private law (in particular tort law), German and European competition law, corporate law, regulatory law (in particular energy law), law of the digital economy, comparative law, law & economics

Curriculum vitae

since 2022 Temporary professorships at the University of Cologne (summer 2022), Goethe-University Frankfurt (winter 2022/23) and JMU Würzburg (summer 2023); Fellowship at Harvard Law School (winter 2023/24 and summer 2024)
2022 Habilitation at the University of Cologne
since 2017 Postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at the Chair for Civil Law, Competition Law, Regulatory Law, Law of the Digital Economy held by Prof. Dr. Torsten Körber, LL.M. (Berkeley) at the University of Cologne
2016-2017 Postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at the Chair for Civil Law, Competition Law, Regulatory Law, Insurance Law and Corporate Law held by Prof. Dr. Torsten Körber, LL.M. (Berkeley) at the University of Goettingen
2015-2016 LL.M. studies at Harvard Law School as an ERP scholar of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation
2015 Research fellow at TU Campus EUREF of Technical University Berlin
2014 Second State Exam (German bar exam), Düsseldorf
2012-2014 Practical legal training at the Regional Court of Düsseldorf with traineeships at the European Commission (DG Energy) and the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf (amongst others)
2012 Dr. iur (German PhD equivalent) at Freie University Berlin
2009-2013 Research fellow at the Institute for German and European Business Law, Competition Law and Regulatory Law led by Prof. Dr. Dr. Dres. h.c. Franz Jürgen Säcker at Freie University Berlin
2009 First State Exam, Berlin
2004-2009 Law studies at Humboldt University of Berlin


Selected publications

1. The Boundaries of the Firm and the Reach of Competition Law: Corporate Group Liability and Sanctioning in the EU and the US, in: Intersections Between Corporate and Antitrust Law, edited by Marco Corradi & Julian Nowag, Cambridge University Press, May 2023

2. Competition Law Sanctions in Germany, in: The Cambridge Handbook of Competition Law Sanctions, edited by Tihamér Tóth, Cambridge University Press, 2022, 381-406 (with Fernanda Luisa Bremenkamp)

3. Form, Effects, or Both? The More Economic Approach and the European Commission’s Decision in Google Search, 44(5) European Law Review 680-693 (2019)

4. The Imposition of "Follow-on Penalties" on Managers and Employees, 13(2) Competition Law Review 139-161 (2018)

5. An Economic Analysis of the Single Economic Entity Doctrine in EU Competition Law, 13(2) Journal of Competition Law & Economics 281-327 (2017)

(List of publications [in German], SSRN page)

Selected presentations

1. An Economic Analysis of Supply Chain Liability, Presentation in the Spring 2024 Law and Economics Seminar at Harvard Law School, Cambridge, USA, 22 February 2024

2. Human Rights or Private Rights? – Effective Protection for Injured Parties in Global Supply Chains, Presentation at the research workshop “New Public and Private Pathways Towards Supply Chain Accountability“, Asser Institute for International and European Law, The Hague, Netherlands, 17 November 2023

3. Personalized Pricing from the Perspective of Competition Law and Economics, Presentation at the Young Scholar’s Workshop on Algorithmic Price Discrimination in Financial Services, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, 17 May 2023


Lecturer at Freie University Berlin, Master's programme "Master of Business, Competition and Regulatory Law" (MBL-FU)

Lecturer at the University of Goettingen, Master's programme "European and Transnational Law of Intellectual Property and Information Technology" (LIPIT)

Lecturer at Technical University Berlin, Master's programme "European and International Energy Law (MBL)" and "Energy Management (MBA)"

Country Correspondent (Germany), European Competition and Regulatory Law Review (CoRe)

National Rapporteur (Germany), LIDC Congress 2018


Academic Society for Competition Law (ASCOLA)
German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR)
European Law & Economics Association (EALE)
German Law & Economics Association (GLEA)
German Corporate Law Association (VGR)
Robotics & AI Law Society (RAILS)

